
Argleton is a town in the northwest of U.K. which appeared in Google maps without existing in reality.
This project attempts to locate the city of Argleton in a wider cultural narrative. The project comments on the cognitive conceptions of space understood through maps, the notion of place in a mobile and globalised world and the production of place as a container of experiences.
Buildings from all around the world were projected in a real time video synthesis, creating the hybrid space and time of a non-existent town. During the three days of the event the participants exchanged messages through Twitter, sharing experiences and information about this particular town.

Project in collaboration with Marianna Christofi

Babel City

During the days of The false project workshop, a glossary was created substituting popular words appearing in social networks with words from Greek News portals. The taxonomy of words in the first column have resulted from research in social media and those in the second column from research in Greek News web sites. The popularity of a given word determined with which word it was substituted.

The experiment was a call and a cause to speak. By asking participants to replace the key words in their own verbal interactions they created their own personal language facet. A story started and was completed in multiple participatory layers revealing interesting narratives. This experiment focused on attempting to chart the limits of falsity and divergence in the linguistic creation and use.  More than this it provided a novel medium to tease out the different aspects of falseness.

Project in collaboration with Marianna Christofi


The project concerns the construction and the performance of an algorithm that negotiates with a procedure of redefining one’s image – and his relationship with it – playing around with physical characteristics as elements of identification from a digital mechanism.

The procedure of identification is followed by the attachment of a series of new, peculiar, characteristics to the subject via new body images re-enacting a psychological situation of re-discovering our physical and moreover mental perception of our ego.