Urban Design Fiction Hackathon
In the post-digital era our relation with the urban landscape is ever-changing due to the fast pace technologic advancements and the blurring between the physical and the digital realm. State of the art technologies like augmented reality, physical computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology redefine the levels of interaction between ourselves and our surroundings. In this context, what kind of narratives could occur from the creation of objects? How would we imagine the future city and the collaborative networks of production?
The Urban Design Fiction Hackathon event that will take place at the Onassis Cultural Centre and will form part of the Adhocracy exhibition, is a 36-hours design marathon that aims to engage the public to collaborate in the creation of local urban knowledge networks using open-source software and hardware technologies, through “Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) and “Do-It-With-Others” (DIWO) methodologies.
During the Hackathon, four international renowned designers, experts in the fields of digital fabrication, e-textiles and wearable technology, open hardware and creative coding will present their work and guide the participants in the creation of collective projects that combine technology with craftsmanship.
Through an open call, 24 participants will be selected to work in four interdisciplinary groups in order to create collaborative projects that will inspire new ideas on diegetic prototypes. The Hackathon’ s goal is to promote DIY (Do-It-Yourself) and DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) methodologies, through hands-on practices, familiarizing the participants with interaction design, by creating a community network based on dialogue and triggering the creation of new inspiring works.
The first Urban Design Fiction Hackathon will take place from Saturday 16th May 10:00 AM until Sunday 17th May 10:00 PM. at the Onassis Cultural Centre inside the Adhocracy exhibition space.
The project presentation and an open public discussion with the mentors on the Hackathon’s outcome will take place on Monday 17th May at 7:00 PM.
Ebru Kurbak (TR)
Petros Moris (GR)
Lorenzo Romagnoli (Arduino / IT)
Danja Vasiliev (RU)
The second Hackathon will take place from Saturday 13th June at 10:00 AM to Sunday 14th June at 10:00 PM at the OCC exhibition space.
The project presentation and an open public discussion with the mentors on the Hackathon’s outcome will take place on Monday 15th June at 7:00 PM.
Petros Babasikas (GR)
Alessandro Contini (Arduino / IT)
Ingo Randolf (AT)
Mika Satomi (JP)
Afroditi Psarra (Curator & Production Manager), Maria Varela (Assistant Curator & Project Co-ordinator)
Ebru Kurbak, Petros Moris, Lorenzo Romagnoli, Danja Vasiliev, Petros Babasikas, Alessandro Contini, Ingo Randolf, Mika Satomi
Onassis Cultural Centre
Onassis Cultural Centre
Onassis Cultural Centre