Talking Quilt

Talking Quilt is an interactive textile artwork with interactive audio, part of the national research project Connected Communities.

 ActiveArt were running a series of arts workshops with Spitalfields City Farm in London(Mar 2011-Jun2011), exploring food and community, and their interelations. Talking Quilt become a cultural archive including conversations, interviews and art-making of the very varied communities and people who use the farm.

Project in participation with ActiveArt, Sara Heitlinger
Intern Maria Varela

Read more about the project and the building procedure here and here.

  • dimensions

    3 x 0.7 m

  • technical specifications

    unique fabric hexagons, conductive fabric, conductive thread, microcontroller, audio interviews, speakers, computer.

  • exhibition

    Tablehurst farm (Uk, 2011)