In this experience of Covid 19 quarantine, time takes on a completely different meaning – the experience of time becomes even more intense: we are not only desperate to fill our time but we are learning to live together in a time that has changed, has slowed down, has lengthened. I have chosen to experience the new temporality by weaving. Weaving is the process by which time becomes tangible, transformed and transcribed into material. This new temporality we are experiencing is directly dependent on the changing flow of information that is communicated daily to us. Time is now transcribed from units of time to units of humans: the number of confirmed cases, deaths and people recovered become part of a macro-history that we are able to see only a small part of. The information flow records medical data and the changes of the curve of the pandemia both locally and globally. These statistics define and redefine the new temporality, or rather the new way in which we perceive time and its passage. I am weaving this timeline everyday, the pattern that is weaved is not simply created by the constant change of the number of patients worldwide but from the emerging narrative of a new perception of the personal and the collective, the local and the global, the creation and momentum of historical events.
The pattern weaved has emerged from different layers of temporality: coding Covid 19 confirmed cases from day 1 to day 83,
weaving for 30 days, from March 14th to April 14th, experiencing my 3rd day of social distancing to day 33.
Data were retrieved from
46cm x 110cm
New Ritual Society curator Katerina Nikolaou, Special collection of Museum of Lykeion ton Hellenidon curator Tania Veliskou