Heath Bunting
Heath Bunting – How to build a new identity
*It is quite liberating to think that you can have another identity*
In the framework of the Status Project (2004 – ongoing), Heath Bunting explores the ability to create new mutable identities.The Status Project examines and maps the interconnections between persons and the UK system. Heath Bunting has been creating sets of databases, including over 10.000 entries, which in turn are depicted in software-generated maps. Each map represents the network of a given social status, such as the social status of a homeless person or a citizen of the European Union. Personal data such as an email account, a library card, a mobile phone contract or a credit card can expose our mobility in different systems and networks. Using tools from the web, such as email accounts and the public space, such as postal addresses, he explores traces in the system through their mobility within it and the exchange of their personal data.
During the workshop, Heath Bunting will introduce us to techniques and strategies on how to form new identities. The distribution of the workshop How to Build a New Legal Identity across Europe aims at exploring the characteristics of identity in each country.
This book focuses on the work of artist Heath Bunting and it is also a documentation of the workshop “How to build a new legal identity” which was organised by Katerina Gkoutziouli and Frown and took place in May 2012 in Athens. This is a bilingual edition: English and Greek which was edited by Katerina Gkoutziouli, Marianna Christofi and Maria Varela and designed by Maria Glyka.
Info: Gkoutziouli K., Christofi M., Varela M. (Eds). Heath Bunting. How to build a New legal identity. A close look at Heath Bunting’s work and the workshop in Athens. Athens: Frown Publishing, 2014
Katerina Gkoutziouli, Marianna Christofi, Maria Varela
Heath Bunting